

The format of a pixel, i.e., the number of components it has and what they represent.


staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.ALPHA : Number

A pixel format containing an alpha channel.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.DEPTH_COMPONENT : Number

A pixel format containing a depth value.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.DEPTH_STENCIL : Number

A pixel format containing a depth and stencil value, most often used with PixelDatatype.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.LUMINANCE : Number

A pixel format containing a luminance (intensity) channel.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.LUMINANCE_ALPHA : Number

A pixel format containing luminance (intensity) and alpha channels.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.RGB : Number

A pixel format containing red, green, and blue channels.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.RGB_DXT1 : Number

A pixel format containing red, green, and blue channels that is DXT1 compressed.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.RGB_ETC1 : Number

A pixel format containing red, green, and blue channels that is ETC1 compressed.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1 : Number

A pixel format containing red, green, and blue channels that is PVR 2bpp compressed.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1 : Number

A pixel format containing red, green, and blue channels that is PVR 4bpp compressed.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.RGBA : Number

A pixel format containing red, green, blue, and alpha channels.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.RGBA_DXT1 : Number

A pixel format containing red, green, blue, and alpha channels that is DXT1 compressed.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.RGBA_DXT3 : Number

A pixel format containing red, green, blue, and alpha channels that is DXT3 compressed.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.RGBA_DXT5 : Number

A pixel format containing red, green, blue, and alpha channels that is DXT5 compressed.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1 : Number

A pixel format containing red, green, blue, and alpha channels that is PVR 2bpp compressed.

staticconstantCesium.PixelFormat.RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1 : Number

A pixel format containing red, green, blue, and alpha channels that is PVR 4bpp compressed.