Class: GeometryOverlayAnalystParameters


The GeometryOverlayAnalystParameters class is an overlay analysis performed on two specified geometric objects. You can specify the geometric objects and the type of overlay operation for overlay analysis.

new SuperMap.GeometryOverlayAnalystParameters(options)

GeometryOverlayAnalystParameters.js, line 6
Name Type Description
options Object

The parameters.

Name Type Description
operateGeometry Object

The operation geometry object for overlay analysis.
The point type could be: SuperMap.Geometry.Point|L.Point|L.GeoJSON|ol.geom.Point|ol.format.GeoJSON.
The line type could be: SuperMap.Geometry.LineString|SuperMap.Geometry.LinearRing|L.Polyline|L.GeoJSON|ol.geom.LineString|GeoJSONObject.
The Polygon type could be: SuperMap.Geometry.Polygon|L.Polygon|L.GeoJSON|ol.geom.Polygon|GeoJSONObject.

sourceGeometry Object

The source geometry object for overlay analysis.

operateGeometries Array.<Object> optional

An array of operational geometry objects for batch overlay analysis.

sourceGeometries Array.<Object> optional

An array of source geometry objects for batch overlay analysis.

operation SuperMap.OverlayOperationType optional

The enumeration value of the overlay operation.



Specifies the Overlay AnalysisType.

Default Value:


SuperMap.GeometryOverlayAnalystParameters.toObject(geometryOverlayAnalystParameters, tempObj){Object}

GeometryOverlayAnalystParameters.js, line 72

Transform the GeometryOverlayAnalystParameters to JSON.

Name Type Description
geometryOverlayAnalystParameters SuperMap.GeometryOverlayAnalystParameters

The GeometryOverlayAnalystParameters class.

tempObj SuperMap.GeometryOverlayAnalystParameters

The GeometryOverlayAnalystParameters.

Type Description
Object The JSON object.

inherited destroy()

OverlayAnalystParameters.js, line 27

Disposes the resource. The property that references resource is set to null.

inherited destroy()

OverlayAnalystParameters.js, line 27

Disposes the resource. The property that references resource is set to null.