Class: AreaSolarRadiationParameters


The AreaSolarRadiationParameters Class.

new SuperMap.AreaSolarRadiationParameters(options)

AreaSolarRadiationParameters.js, line 4
Name Type Description
options Object

The parameters.

Name Type Default Description
dataset string

The name of the dataset in the datasource for regional solar radiation, the name uses the format "dataset name@datasource alias". For example:JingjinTerrain@Jingjin.

targetDatasourceName string

Specific datasource name which saves the result dataset(required); e.g, ”Jingjin”.

totalGridName string

Specify the dataset name of overall solar radiation(required).

diffuseDatasetGridName string

Specify the dataset name of solar scattered radiation.

durationDatasetGridName string

Specify the dataset name of solar direct radiation duration.

directDatasetGridName string

Specify the dataset name of solar direct radiation.

latitude number

The latitude of the area to be calculated.

timeMode string "MULTIDAYS" optional

Time mode. The value can be “WITHINDAY”(single day) and “MULTIDAYS”(multiple days).

dayStart number

Start date(day N of the year).

dayEnd number

End date(day N of the year).

hourStart number optional

Start hour(Hour N of the day).

hourEnd number optional

End hour(Hour N of the day).

transmittance number optional

Transmittance of solar radiation through the atmosphere.

hourInterval number 0.5 optional

interval hours for the calculation (the smaller, the more calculation time and more accurate result, it must be an integer).

dayInterval number 5 optional

interval days for the calculation (the smaller, the more calculation time and more accurate result, it must be an integer).

deleteExistResultDataset boolean false optional

Whether to delete the existing dataset if the specified result dataset name is identical to the name of an existing dataset.



The name of the dataset in the datasource for regional solar radiation, the name uses the format "dataset name@datasource alias". For example: JingjinTerrain@Jingjin. Note: the regional solar radiation data must be a raster dataset.


End date(day N of the year).


interval days for the calculation (the smaller, the more calculation time and more accurate result, it must be an integer).

Default Value:


Start date(day N of the year).


Whether to delete the existing dataset if the specified result dataset name is identical to the name of an existing dataset. which means not to delete.


Specify the dataset name of solar scattered radiation.


Specify the dataset name of solar direct radiation duration.


Specify the dataset name of solar direct radiation.


End hour(Hour N of the day).


interval hours for the calculation (the smaller, the more calculation time and more accurate result, it must be an integer).

Default Value:


Start hour(Hour N of the day).


The latitude of the area to be calculated.


Specific datasource name which saves the result dataset; e.g, ”Jingjin”.


Time mode. The value can be “WITHINDAY”(single day) and “MULTIDAYS”(multiple days)。

Default Value:


Specify the dataset name of overall solar radiation.


Transmittance of solar radiation through the atmosphere.


SuperMap.AreaSolarRadiationParameters.toObject(param, tempObj){Object}

AreaSolarRadiationParameters.js, line 144

Transform object of SuperMap.AreaSolarRadiationParameters to Object of JSON.

Name Type Description
param SuperMap.AreaSolarRadiationParameters

The AreaSolarRadiationParameters class.

tempObj SuperMap.AreaSolarRadiationParameters

The AreaSolarRadiationParameters class.

Type Description
Object Object of JSON


AreaSolarRadiationParameters.js, line 130

Release the resource. The property that references resource is set to null