Class: RankSymbol


The RankSymbol class.

new ol.source.RankSymbol(name, symbolType, opt_options)

RankSymbol.js, line 5
Name Type Default Description
name string

The name of the layer,

symbolType string

Symbol type.

opt_options Object


Name Type Default Description
map ol.Map

The map object for OpenLayers.

themeField string

Specifies to create a thematic map field.

symbolSetting Object

Symbol Circle configuration object (SuperMap.Layer.RankSymbol::setting).

Name Type Default Description
codomain Array.<number>

Domain, an array with the length of 2, the first one is the minimum, the second one is the maximum value, required.

maxR number optional

The maximum radius of the circle.

minR number optional

The minimum radius of the circle.

fillColor string optional

A circular fill color, such as: fillColor: "#FFB980".

circleStyle Object optional

The base style of the circle, this parameter controls the circular base style, with a lower priority than circleStyleByFields and circleStyleByCodomain.

decimalNumber number optional

Data value array dataValues elements of the decimal value, the decimal processing parameters of data, range: [0, 16]. If you do not set this parameter in data value is not a digital data processing.

circleHoverStyle Object optional

The style of hover status for the circle. Valid when circleHoverAble is true.

circleHoverAble boolean true optional

Whether to allow the usage of hover status for circle. Default value is yes. Meanwhile, circleHoverAble and circleClickAble are set to false to disable response of grahics to thematic layer events.

circleClickAble boolean true optional

Whetehr to allow circle to be selected. The default value is yes. Meanwhile, circleHoverAble and circleClickAble are set to false to disable response of grahics to thematic layer events.

id string optional

Theme layer ID。The theme layer ID is created by default using CommonUtil.createUniqueID("themeLayer_").

opacity number 1 optional

Layer transparency.

logo string optional


projection ol.proj.Projection optional

ol.proj.Projection Projection information.

ratio number 1.5 optional

View ratio, 1 means that the canvas is the size of the map viewport, 2 means that the canvas is twice the width and height of the map viewport, and so on. Must be 1 or higher.

resolutions Array.<number> optional

Resolution array.

state ol.source.State optional

Resource status.

isOverLay boolean true optional

Whether to process the overlap. If set to true, it will hide the ones which have been overlapped. For example: it has drawn a diagram A, and then is ready to draw a diagram B, the overlap processing program will first check whether B is overlapped with A, only when B and A are completely disjointed, chart B will be drawn.

opt_option.attributions string | Object 'Map Data <span>© <a href='' target='_blank'>SuperMap iServer</a></span> with <span>© <a href='' target='_blank'>SuperMap iClient</a></span>' optional

Copyright information.


  • Graph



RankSymbol.js, line 44

Disposes the resource. The property that references resource is set to null.


RankSymbol.js, line 55

Set the symbol type.

Name Type Description
symbolType string

The symbol type.