Class: ImageSuperMapRest


SuperMap iServer Image Source.

new ol.source.ImageSuperMapRest(options)

ImageSuperMapRest.js, line 12
Name Type Description
options Object


Name Type Default Description
url string

The url of the service.

tileGrid ol.tilegrid.TileGrid | ol.tilegrid.TileGrid optional

Tile mesh object.

serverType SuperMap.ServerType SuperMap.ServerType.ISERVER optional

Type of server iServer|iPortal|online.

redirect boolean false optional

Whether redirect or not. If true, the request is redirected to the real URL of the tile. If false, the response body is a byte stream of the tile.

transparent boolean true optional

The transparency.

cacheEnabled boolean true optional

Weather cache is enabled.

prjCoordSys Object optional

The coordinate reference system for the requested map. For instance: prjCoordSys={"epsgCode":3857}.

layersID string optional

Get the map layer ID to be sliced, which is the layer that specifies the slice of the map. It can be a temporary layer set or a combination of layers in the current map.

clipRegionEnabled boolean false optional

Whether map clipping is enabled.

clipRegion ol.geom.Geometry | ol.geom.Geometry optional

The map shows the cropped area. This parameter is a polygon object and valid when clipRegionEnabled = true. the map only shows the part covered by the area.

overlapDisplayed boolean false optional

Whether it is overlapped when map objects are in the same range.

overlapDisplayedOptions SuperMap.OverlapDisplayedOptions optional

The filter options for avoiding overlapped display of map objects.

tileversion string optional

Slice version name, valid when _cache is true.

tileProxy string optional

Enable managed addresses.

format string 'png' optional

The tile representation type supports four expression types "png", "bmp", "jpg" and "gif".


  • ol.source.TileImage


ol.source.ImageSuperMapRest.createTileGrid(extent, maxZoom, minZoom, tileSize, origin){ol.tilegrid.TileGrid}

ImageSuperMapRest.js, line 235

Create tile grid.

Name Type Description
extent number

The length.

maxZoom number

The maximum zoom level.

minZoom number

the minimum zoom level.

tileSize number

The tile size.

origin number


Type Description
ol.tilegrid.TileGrid The tile grid.

ol.source.ImageSuperMapRest.optionsFromMapJSON(url, mapJSONObj)

ImageSuperMapRest.js, line 181

Get map JSON.

Name Type Description
url string

The url.

mapJSONObj Object

The map JSON.

appendCredential(url, serverType){string}

ImageSuperMapRest.js, line 52

Add credential.

Name Type Default Description
url string

The url.

serverType Object SuperMap.ServerType.ISERVER optional

Type of server iServer|iPortal|online.

Type Description
string New url after generation

tileUrlFunction(tileCoord, pixelRatio, projection){string}

ImageSuperMapRest.js, line 150

The tile url.

Name Type Description
tileCoord Object

The tile coordinate system.

pixelRatio Object

The density of the pixel.

projection string

The projection reference system.

Type Description
string Return the tile url.