Class: DataFlow


The dataFlowLayer class.

new ol.source.DataFlow(opt_options)

DataFlow.js, line 4
Name Type Description
opt_options Object

The optional parameters.

Name Type Default Description
idField string 'id' optional

A field in a feature attribute that represents a unique identifier.

geometry Array.<Object> optional

Sets an array of added geometry feature objects.

prjCoordSys Object optional

The coordinate reference system for the requested map. For instance: prjCoordSys={"epsgCode":3857}.

excludeField Object optional

The field to be excluded.


  • ol.source.Vector



DataFlow.js, line 50

Set the unique field to be excluded.

Name Type Description
excludeField Object

The unique field to be excluded


DataFlow.js, line 61

Set geometry data to be added.

Name Type Description
geometry Object

Object of GeoJSON geometry data to be added.


DataFlow.js, line 39

Set coordinate reference system.

Name Type Description
prjCoordSys Object

The reference system.