Class: TerrainCurvatureCalculationParameters


The terrain curvature calculation parameter class.

new SuperMap.TerrainCurvatureCalculationParameters(options)

TerrainCurvatureCalculationParameters.js, line 4
Name Type Description
options Object

The parameters.

Name Type Default Description
dataset string

The name of the dataset in the datasource for terrain curvature calculation, the name uses the format "dataset name@datasource alias". For example: Country@World.

averageCurvatureName string

Result dataset: the name of the average curvature dataset.

profileCurvatureName string

Result dataset: the name of the profile curvature dataset.

planCurvatureName string

Result dataset: the name of the plan curvature dataset.

zFactor number 1.0 optional

The specified altitude scale coefficient. Default is1.0, representing don't scale.

deleteExistResultDataset boolean false optional

Whether to delete the existing dataset if the specified result dataset name is identical to the name of an existing dataset.



Result dataset: the name of the average curvature dataset.


The name of the dataset in the datasource for terrain curvature calculation. The name uses the format "dataset name@datasource alias". For example: Country@World. Note: The terrain curvature calculation must be grid dataset.


Whether to delete the existing dataset if the specified result dataset name is identical to the name of an existing dataset. It is false by default, which means not to delete.


Result dataset: the name of the plan curvature dataset.


Result dataset: the name of the profile curvature dataset.


The specified elevation factor (the coefficient for transforming Z values to values with X and Y units in a Grid). For a calculation involving X, Y, and Z values, usually a zFactor needs to be set to make their units consistent. For example, X and Y units are meters, and Z unit is feet. One feet is equal to 0.3048 meter, so the specified zFacor is 0.3048. If you set it as 1.0, then it will not zoom.

Default Value:


SuperMap.TerrainCurvatureCalculationParameters.toObject(derrainCurvatureCalculationParameters, tempObj)

TerrainCurvatureCalculationParameters.js, line 82

Get the TerrainCurvatureCalculation object.

Name Type Description
derrainCurvatureCalculationParameters Object

The TerrainCurvatureCalculationParameters class.

tempObj Object

The target object.


TerrainCurvatureCalculationParameters.js, line 68

Disposes the resource. The property that references resource is set to null.