A series of commonly used extended functions for the string.
Determine whether the string contains only one value. It's default: numberRegEx=/^([+-]?)(?=\d|.\d)\d(.\d)?(Ee)?$/.
Used to find tokens in a string. It's default: tokenRegEx=/\${([\w.]+?)}/g.
Examples: ${a}, ${a.b.c}, ${a-b}, ${5}
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The string processing of hump type ("-") hyphen For instance: "chicken-head" becomes "chickenHead", "-chicken-head" becomes "ChickenHead".
Name Type Description str
string The string to be processed,the original content shouldn't be modified.
Type Description string -
SuperMap.String.contains(str, sub){boolean}
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Determine whether the target string contain the specified substring.
Name Type Description str
string The target string.
string The substring to lookup.
Type Description boolean Return to true when the target string contain the specified substring, otherwise, return to false. -
SuperMap.String.format(template, context, args){string}
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Provide a string with the ${token} tag, Returns the attribute value of the specified tag in the context object property.
Name Type Default Description template
string The tagged string will be replaced. Format of the template parameter is "${token}", This token tag will be replaced with the the value of the context["token"] attribute.
Object window optional The attribute of the optional object is used to match the markup in the formatted string.
Array optional The optional parameters pass to the function that found on the context object.
Type Description string The string that replaced from the marker location on the context object property. Example
For instance: (code) 1、template = "${value,getValue}"; context = {value: {getValue:function(){return Math.max.apply(null,argument);}}}; args = [2,23,12,36,21]; return:36 (end) For instance: (code) 2、template = "$${{value,getValue}}"; context = {value: {getValue:function(){return Math.max.apply(null,argument);}}}; args = [2,23,12,36,21]; return:"${36}" (end) For instance: (code) 3、template = "${a,b}"; context = {a: {b:"format"}}; args = null; return:"format" (end) For instance: (code) 3、template = "${a,b}"; context = null; args = null; return:"${a.b}" (end)
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Determine whether the string contains only one value.
Type Description boolean Retrun to true when the string contains only one value, otherwise, return to false. Example
(code) SuperMap.String.isNumeric("6.02e23") // true SuperMap.String.isNumeric("12 dozen") // false SuperMap.String.isNumeric("4") // true SuperMap.String.isNumeric(" 4 ") // false (end)
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Transform a seemingly numeric string to a numeric.
Type Description number | string Returns the numeric value if it can be turned to a numeric value, otherwise the string itself is returned. -
SuperMap.String.startsWith(str, sub){boolean}
BaseTypes.js, line 84 -
Determine whether the target string begins with the specified substring.
Name Type Description str
string The target string.
string The substring to lookup.
Type Description boolean Return to true when the target string begins with the specified substring, otherwise, return to false. -
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Delete all the blank characters at the beginning and end of a string.
Name Type Description str
string (possibly) A string that has a blank character filling.
Type Description string The string that after deleted the blank characters at the beginning and end of this string.