Class: RouteLocatorParameters


The RouteLocatorParameters class. The parameter has two ways: Geometry and Dataset. The former needs to specify the sourceRoute object as parameter; the latter needs dataset, routeIDField and routeID. If users set both of these two parameters, the Dataset way is in precedence.

new SuperMap.RouteLocatorParameters(options)

RouteLocatorParameters.js, line 6
Name Type Description
options Object

The parameters.

Name Type Default Description
sourceRoute SuperMap.Route | L.Polyline | ol.geom.LineString

route object.

measure float

The M value of anchor point. It is valid when route object locates point.

type string optional

Type: Point or line.

offset float 0 optional

The offset of anchor point. It is valid when route object locates point.

isIgnoreGap boolean false optional

Whether to ignore the distance between child objects.

startMeasure float optional

The start M value of anchor line. It is valid when route object locates line.

endMeasure float optional

The end M value of anchor line. It is valid when route object locates line.



The name of the dataset in the datasource for buffer analysis. This identifier is the format "dataset name@datasource alias".


The end M value of anchor line. It is valid when route object locates line.


Whether to ignore the distance between child objects.


The M value of anchor point. It is valid when route object locates point.


The offset of anchor point. It is valid when route object locates point.


ID of the route object


The field name of the route object.

sourceRouteSuperMap.Route L.Polyline ol.geom.LineString

route object.


The start M value of anchor line. It is valid when route object locates line.


Type: Point or line. The optional values are:
LINE: Positions the line object based on the starting M value and the ending M value.
POINT: Positions the point object based on the M value.



RouteLocatorParameters.js, line 108

Disposes the resource. The property that references resource is set to null.