Class: RouteCalculateMeasureParameters


The parameter class that is based on the route object to calculate the M value of a specified point. Provides parameter information by this class.

new SuperMap.RouteCalculateMeasureParameters(options)

RouteCalculateMeasureParameters.js, line 5
Name Type Description
options Object

The parameters.

Name Type Default Description
sourceRoute SuperMap.Route | L.Polyline | ol.geom.LineString

route object. This object can be route objects generated by users or route objects gotten from the datasource query.

point SuperMap.Geometry.Point | L.LatLng | L.Point | ol.geom.Point

2D geographic coordinates point object, including attribute objects of the x and y coordinate values.

tolerance float optional


isIgnoreGap boolean false optional

Whether to ignore the distance between child objects.



Whether to ignore the distance between child objects.

2D geographic coordinates point object, including attribute objects of the x and y coordinate values.

sourceRouteSuperMap.Route L.Polyline ol.geom.LineString

route object. This object can be route objects generated by users or route objects gotten from the datasource query.





RouteCalculateMeasureParameters.js, line 50

Disposes the resource. The property that references resource is set to null.