Class: QueryParameters


The QueryParameters base class. Classes for QueryByDistanceParameters, QueryByGeometryParameters, and QueryBySQL are inherited from this class.

new SuperMap.QueryParameters(options)

QueryParameters.js, line 9
Name Type Description
options Object

The parameters.

Name Type Default Description
queryParams Array.<SuperMap.FilterParameter>

The FilterParameter array.

customParams string optional

The custom parameter, used for extension.

prjCoordSys Object optional

It is a custom parameter for the use of extension of dynamic projection query provided by SuperMap Online. For instance: {"epsgCode":3857}.

expectCount number 100000 optional

The number of records that is expected to return.

networkType SuperMap.GeometryType SuperMap.GeometryType.LINE optional

The GeometryType for network dataset.

queryOption SuperMap.QueryOption SuperMap.QueryOption.ATTRIBUTEANDGEOMETRY optional

The QueryOption enumeration class.

startRecord number 0 optional

The start record number for query.

holdTime number 10 optional

The time that the resource saves in the server.

returnCustomResult boolean false optional

It is only for the use of 3D.

returnFeatureWithFieldCaption boolean false optional

The returned query result feature field ID is a field alias. When false, returns the field name; when true, returns the field alias.



The custom parameter, used for extension.


The number of records that is expected to return. If it is less than 100,000, the actual number of the records will be returned.

Default Value:


The time that the resource saves in the server.

Default Value:

The network dataset is divided into two types: one is the point and the other is the line.

Default Value:


It is a custom parameter for the use of extension of dynamic projection query provided by SuperMap Online. For instance: {"epsgCode":3857}.

The QueryOption enumeration class. This class describes the returned types of query results, including properties, geometry entities, or both.

Default Value:


The FilterParameter array. This class is used to set the query dataset and the qeury filter.


It is only for the use of 3D.


The returned query result feature field ID is a field alias. When false, returns the field name; when true, returns the field alias.


The start record number for query.



QueryParameters.js, line 98

Disposes the resource. The property that references resource is set to null.