Namespace: Number


A series of commonly used extended functions for numerical operations.


(static, constant) SuperMap.Number.decimalSeparatorstring

The acquiescent separative sign of the decimal point when formatting numbers

Default Value:

(static, constant) SuperMap.Number.thousandsSeparatorstring

The acquiescent separative sign of the thousands when formatting numbers.

Default Value:


SuperMap.Number.format(num, dec, tsep, dsep){string}

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Formatted output the number.

Name Type Default Description
num number


dec integer 0 optional

Rounding the decimal part of the number to the specified number of valid digits. The decimal part is fixed when the null value is set.

tsep string ',' optional

The thousands separator.

dsep string '.' optional

The decimal point Separator.

Type Description
string String after the NumberFormatter.

SuperMap.Number.limitSigDigs(num, sig){number}

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Limit the valid digits of the floating point numbers.

Name Type Description
num number

Floating point number.

sig integer

Effective number of digits.

Type Description
number Rounding the number to the specified number of valid digits.