Class: GeometrySurfaceAnalystParameters


The GeometrySurfaceAnalystParameters class. The class sets the parameters used in the geometric object surface analysis.

new SuperMap.GeometrySurfaceAnalystParameters(options)

GeometrySurfaceAnalystParameters.js, line 5
Name Type Description
options Object

The parameters.

Name Type Default Description
points Array.<(SuperMap.Geometry.Point|L.LatLng|L.Point|ol.geom.Point)>

The coordinates points array for surface analysis.

zValues Array.<number>

An array of Z values for the coordinate points of the surface analysis.

resolution number optional

Gets or sets the resolution of the specified intermediate results (raster dataset).

resultSetting SuperMap.DataReturnOption optional

The result of the return setting class.

extractParameter SuperMap.SurfaceAnalystParametersSetting

Gets or sets the parameters of surface analysis.

surfaceAnalystMethod SuperMap.SurfaceAnalystMethod SuperMap.SurfaceAnalystMethod.ISOLINE optional

Gets or sets the extraction methods for isoline and isoregion extraction of surface analysis.



Gets or sets the parameters of surface analysis. When using point dataset for isoregion extraction analysis, the expectedZValues field in the SurfaceAnalystParametersSetting class is not supported now.


Gets or sets the coordinates points array for surface analysis.


Specifies the resolution of the intermediate results (raster dataset).

The DataReturnOption class.


Gets or sets the extraction methods for isoline and isoregion extraction of surface analysis. Default is the isoline analysis.

Default Value:


Gets or sets the value used for extraction operation. When extracting the isoline, you can use the value in the array, implement the interpolation analysis to the coordinate point array in the geometric object, get the raster dataset (intermediate result), and extract the isoline from the raster dataset.


inherited destroy()

SurfaceAnalystParameters.js, line 54

Disposes the resource. The property that references resource is set to null.

inherited destroy()

SurfaceAnalystParameters.js, line 54

Disposes the resource. The property that references resource is set to null.