Class: FindServiceAreasParameters


The FindServiceAreasParameters class.
Service Area Analysis is a kind of network analysis, used to determine the area that can be served by a service site based on specified criteria.
For example, the area some fast food restaurant can send the fast food within 30 minutes.

new SuperMap.FindServiceAreasParameters(options)

FindServiceAreasParameters.js, line 5
Name Type Description
options Object

The parameters.

Name Type Default Description
centers Array.<(SuperMap.Geometry.Point|L.LatLng|L.Point|ol.geom.Point|number)>

The service site array.

weights Array.<number>

The service Impedance Radius refers to the service radius that every service site enables to provide. Areas that are out of this impedance radius will not be analyzed. The unit of the impedance radius and the impedance field must be the same.

isAnalyzeById boolean false optional

Whether to specify nodes for path analysis through the ID numbers.

isCenterMutuallyExclusive boolean false optional

Whether the center point is mutually exclusive.

isFromCenter boolean false optional

Whether to start analyzing from the center.

parameter SuperMap.TransportationAnalystParameter optional

The general parameters for transportation network analyses.



The service site array.
When "iSAnalyzeById = true" of this class, specifies the service site through the node ID number; when "iSAnalyzeById = false", specifies the service site through the point coordinate.


Whether to specify nodes for path analysis through the ID numbers.
The node or the facility point passed by the specified path analysis has two ways: entering the node ID number or directly entering the point coordinate.
When this field is true, means that passing the node ID specified path point, which is FindServiceAreasParameters.centers = [ID1,ID2,...];
otherwise, means that passing the node coordinate specified path point, which is FindServiceAreasParameters.centers = [new SuperMap.Geometry.Point(x1,y1),new SuperMap.Geometry.Point(x2,y2),...].


Whether the center point is mutually exclusive,that is, determines whether to exclusively deal according to the distance of the center point.
If there are overlapping parts in the analyzed service area, then exclusively deals through setting this parameter.


Whether to start analyzing from the center.
Starting analyzing from the center and not from the center, reflecting the relation pattern of the service center and the demand area in need of this service.
Starting analyzing from the center, reflecting a service center providing service to the service demanding area;
not from the center, reflecting a service demanding area actively gets the service from the service center.

The general parameters for transportation network analyses.


APIProperty: weights



FindServiceAreasParameters.js, line 74

Disposes the resource. The property that references resource is set to null.