Class: DatasetInfo


The DatasetInfo class.

new SuperMap.DatasetInfo(options)

DatasetInfo.js, line 5

A dataset is a collection of related data stored together. According to the types of data, there are vector dataset, raster dataset, and the dataset designed for specific problems, such as topology dataset, network dataset etc. A vector dataset is a collection of related data stored together. The vector dataset is a collection of spatial features with the same type, and it is also called a feature set. For different features may have different spatial representations, the vector dataset includes point dataset, line dataset, region dataset and so on, and the features with the same spatial representation and function will be organized together. This version supports point dataset, line dataset, region dataset, text dataset, CAD dataset, network dataset, grid dataset, and image dataset.

Name Type Description
options Object

The optional parameters.

Name Type Description
bounds SuperMap.Bounds optional

Dataset bounds. Read-only.

dataSourceName string optional

Datasource name. Read-only.

description string optional

Dataset description.

encodeType string optional

The compact encoding approach. Read-only.

isReadOnly boolean optional

The dataset is readonly.

name string

Datasource name. Required and read-only.

prjCoordSys SuperMap.Projection optional

Projection information of the dataset.

tableName string optional

Table name. Readonly.

type string

String type. Required. They are point dataset, line dataset, region dataset, text dataset, CAD dataset, network dataset, grid dataset, and image dataset.


Dataset bounds. Read-only.


Datasource name. Read-only.


Dataset description.


The compact encoding approach. Read-only.


The dataset is readonly.


Datasource name. Required and read-only.


Projection information of the dataset.


Table name. Readonly.


String type. Required. They are point dataset, line dataset, region dataset, text dataset, CAD dataset, network dataset, grid dataset, and image dataset.



DatasetInfo.js, line 96

Disposes the resource. The property that references resource is set to null.


DatasetInfo.js, line 104

Transform to the JSON object.

Type Description
Object JSON object.