Class: ComputeWeightMatrixParameters


The ComputeWeightMatrixParameters class. The costs matrix refers to a 2D matrix computed by the costs fields in the traffic network analysis parameters, which is used to store the resources costs between each pairs of the specified points.

new SuperMap.ComputeWeightMatrixParameters(options)

ComputeWeightMatrixParameters.js, line 5
Name Type Description
options Object

The parameters.

Name Type Description
nodes Array.<(SuperMap.Geometry.Point|L.LatLng|L.Point|ol.geom.Point|number)>

The nodes array that wants to compute the costs matrix.

parameter SuperMap.TransportationAnalystParameter optional

The general parameters for transportation network analyses.



Whether to specify nodes for path analysis through the ID numbers.


The nodes array that wants to compute the costs matrix.
When SuperMap.ComputeWeightMatrixParameters.isAnalyzeById = false, nodes should be a coordinate array of points;
When SuperMap.ComputeWeightMatrixParameters.isAnalyzeById = true, nodes should be an array of IDs for the point.

The general parameters for transportation network analyses.



ComputeWeightMatrixParameters.js, line 42

Disposes the resource. The property that references resource is set to null.