Class: BurstPipelineAnalystParameters


The BurstPipelineAnalystParameters class.

new SuperMap.BurstPipelineAnalystParameters(options)

BurstPipelineAnalystParameters.js, line 4
Name Type Description
options Object

The parameters.

Name Type Default Description
sourceNodeIDs Array.<number>

The specified facility node ID array.

edgeID number optional

The specified edgeID. edgeID and nodeID must be specified one.

nodeID number optional

The specified nodeID. edgeID and nodeID must be specified one.

isUncertainDirectionValid boolean false optional

Check whether the uncertain flow direction is valid.



The specified edgeID. edgeID and nodeID must be specified one.


Check whether the uncertain flow direction is valid. If it is true, the uncertain flow direction is valid, so analysis will continue when facing the uncertain flow direction. If it is false, the uncertain flow direction is invalid, so analysis will stop searching on this direction.


The specified nodeID. edgeID and nodeID must be specified one.


The specified facility node ID array.



BurstPipelineAnalystParameters.js, line 50

Disposes the resource. The property that references resource is set to null.