Class: cloverStyle


The Clover style class.


CloverStyle.js, line 4
Name Type Description
options Object

Clover-shaped element style parameters.

Name Type Default Description
angle number 60 optional

The central angle of each leaf of the clover, in radians.

spaceAngle number 0 optional

The blade spacing angle is obtained by calculation.

count number 3 optional

The number of blades.

stroke boolean true optional

Whether to stroke.

strokeWidth number 1 optional

The stroke width.

color string '#3388ff' optional

The color..

weight number 1 optional

The weight.

opacity number 1 optional

The opacity.

lineCap string 'round' optional

The line cap.

lineJoin string 'round' optional

The shape of line join.

fill boolean false optional

Whether to fill or not.

fillColor string '#66ccff' optional

The fill color.

fillOpacity number 0.2 optional

The fill opacity.

fillRule string 'evenodd' optional

The fill rule.

radius number 10 optional

The radius.



drawSector(ctx, x, y, r, sAngle, eAngle)

CloverStyle.js, line 68

Draw a fan shape.

Name Type Description
ctx CanvasRenderingContext2D

The context object.

x number

Center point x.

y number

Center point y.

r number

Center point r.

sAngle number

Blade starting angle.

eAngle number

Blade starting angle.


CloverStyle.js, line 60

Get the canvas.